Jay Farris has worked for us for 24 years, in departments such as Feed Body, Truck Shop, and most recently, Quality Control. At his current position in Quality Control, he inspects every piece of equipment that leaves our facility providing Ledwell standard of excellence. However, that’s not his only superpower. Jay also serves as our Fire Sales Representative. He makes sure that firefighters and communities all around can get a reliable unit to fight off fires and improve rescue services in rural areas.
Jay has been a volunteer Fireman in Hooks, TX, for 22 years now and currently serves as the Assistant Chief. He has a personal hand in ensuring that their equipment is safe and ready for action when necessary. His favorite Ledwell projects are those involving Fire Tankers. He remembers Mr. Ledwell giving him the complement of a lifetime after working on one – “Son, it’s a good-looking truck.”
Jay has been married for 31 years to Lisa and they have one daughter, 27-year-old Burgandy. Together, his family really likes to go to the lake, hang out and fish. They have a lake house where they enjoy quality family time and relaxing summer nights. Family is important to Jay – if he were stranded on a desert island he says the three things he’d bring are his daughter, wife, and a fishing pole! Maybe that’s why the fire industry is so important to Jay. It’s his way of helping families all around stay together and stay safe. Way to go Jay, and congratulations on earning employee of the month for July!